Issued Against Cancelled, Expired, and Deceased Individual’s CNIC
Table of Contents
ToggleWith this decision of the Government of Pakistan, all SIMs Issued against Cancelled, Expired, and Deceased Individual CNICs will be blocked in a phased manner. However, to avoid blocking or to restore the blocked number, subscribes may proceed in the following manner;

SIMs Issued against cancelled/fake CNICs will be Blocked by the 16th of August 2024
Subscribers can restore their SIMs after obtaining a new CNIC from NADRA and completing biometric verification at sales Channels/Centers.
SIMs Issued against CNICs (Expired before 2017) will be Blocked by 2nd September 20204
Subscribers can restore their SIMs By renewing the CNIC from NADRA and completing biometric verification at Channels/Centers.
SIMs Issued against CNICs of Deceased individuals will be Blocked by 15th October 2024
Family Members can transfer SIM Ownership By presenting the following at sales Channels/Centers.
- Proof of Relationship
- Original Death Certificate
- Original SIM or Police Report (if lost)
- Proof of Usage (Last Recharg/Call History)
Note: Alert SMS Regarding BLocking Against each Category has Already been Disseminated to concerned SIMs.