National Identity Card CNIC

Understanding the National Identity Card (CNIC): 

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NADRA Registration Center (NRC)cnic

Visit the nearest NADRA Registration Center (NRC).

 Please click here to locate your nearest NRC.

At NRC, the following steps will be taken to process your application.

1. The token issuing process will start.
2. Our team will capture your photograph.
3. We will take your fingerprints and signature.
4. Our staff will enter your required data and print out the application form.
5. We will hand over the printed version of your application form to you.

Submit this form after confirming the printed information and attestation by a gazetted officer

 Bring any of your blood relatives (father/mother/brother/sister/son/daughter) and skip the attestation of the form by providing their biometrics at NRC.

Pak Identity Website

You can apply for your Smart National Identity Card (CNIC) by visiting the Pak Identity website and having it delivered to your doorstep. You can not apply for fresh/new CNIC from the website.


What information can I get from CNIC number?

This process of NADRA record search by CNIC number will only take a few seconds. The details you’ll get will be CNIC’s owner address and zonal information of their registered CNIC. This is how to track your CNIC through SMS. How long is CNIC valid for?

Description of CardValidity Period
Computerized NICTen Years
NICOP / Smart NICOP for adultsTen Years
NICOP / Smart NICOP for minors more than 14 years of ageTen Years
NICOP / Smart NICOP for minors below 14 years of ageAttaining 18 years or Ten years (whichever comes first)

CNIC Information System by Sims info

CNIC Information System by Sims info Using their ID card number, you can use the CNIC Information system service to view a Pakistani person’s details. It gives details such as the individual’s name, father’s name, birthdate, and address.CNIC Information System by sims info. New Database 2024: CNIC انفارمیشن سسٹم ان کے شناختی کارڈ نمبر

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